(3 days)

The Educating for Careers Conference is an annual three-day professional development event surrounding career technical education (CTE). A variety of delivery systems, strategies, and Industry Sectors throughout the CTE system are represented in the more than 170 breakout sessions offered over the course of this three-day pre-conference and conference.Technical assistance is also provided by several of the delivery systems through special office hours during the conference.

Even though education is facing great fiscal challenges across the nation and professional development has continued to take a large hit, it is understood by all stakeholders that continuing to improve classroom instruction and student achievement is critical for our success as a nation. Therefore, the overarching goal of this conference is to offer high-quality, cost-effective professional development for all stakeholders with broad general breakout session themes such as: Assessment & Accountability; California Partnership Academies Model; Career Pathways/Industry Sectors; Curriculum & Instructional Strategies; Employer & Community Partnerships; Mentor & Internship Programs; Middle School Connections; Perkins Policy & Programs; Secondary-Postsecondary Connections; and Work-Based Learning.
  • Conference
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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