COT-RCNGM Virtual Worlds in Engineering and Technical Education
Date: Friday, November 11, 2011
Time: 8:30am – 3:30pm
Location: Manchester Community College
Room: Computer Lab

1. Introduction to virtual worlds in career, engineering and technical education.
2. Introduction to the COT Collaboratory and Cyber-Center.
3. Hands-on exploration of the COT Cyber-Center.
4. Hands-on building and construction in the COT Cyber-Center.
5. Faculty and student access to the COT Cyber-Center.

This professional development workshop will explore the use of “Virtual Worlds” in Career, Engineering and Technical education through OpenSimulator. OpenSimulator is an open source multi-platform, multi-user 3D application that has been used to create the COT Cyber-Center Virtual Simulation environment. Participants will explore the COT Cyber-Center and it’s application in existing courses and programs. Participants will also learn how to navigate an avatar and construct objects in OpenSimulator. All participants will be invited to register for use of the COT Cyber-Center in an existing engineering or technical course. A $100.00 stipend will be awarded for participants who successfully complete the workshop requirements.
  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
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