In this webinar, EvaluATE staff will help ATE grantees prepare for the upcoming annual ATE survey (which takes place February 15 – March 15). We will review changes for 2012 (the 2012 questionnaire is one-third shorter than the 2011 version!), address frequently asked questions (both substantive and technical), and clarify definitions. We’ll also discuss how to use the information grantees report on the survey for other purposes (e.g., internal, formative evaluation and annual reporting to NSF) and use aggregate results for benchmarking grant progress against other ATE projects and centers.

Attendees are also encouraged to send questions about the survey ahead of time to Stephanie Evergreen

Presenters: Lori Wingate--PI, EvaluATE; Jason Burkhardt--Project Manager, EvaluATE

Discussants: David Campbell--ATE Program Officer, NSF: Dan Hull--Executive Director/PI, OP-TEC (National Center for Optics and Photonics Education)

Moderator: Stephanie Evergreen--Senior Research Associate, EvaluATE
  • Webinar
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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