The Southwest Center for Microsystems Education (SCME) presents free interactive online seminars that participants can attend from virtually anywhere. Each live 90-minute session is presented by subject matter experts and includes screen sharing, live chat, and Q & A. Webinars are recorded for repeat viewing and to use in classroom presentations.

The first in the series is Microsystem Processes Part I - Deposition. The webinar, which takes place at 1:00 pm EST, will address two primary questions regarding deposition: What is it? How it is used to fabricate micro-sized devices?

In addition, the webinar will touch on the following topics: thermal oxidation, chemical vapor deposition, metallization, electrodeposition, and characteristics and applications for each of these processes.
  • Webinar
ATE Area:
  • Micro and Nanotechnologies
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SCME Microsystems Webinar Series - Microsystem Processes Part I - Depositio.ics