(2 days)

Studies show the number of girls in higher education in computer science is falling drastically. University of Illinois, Springfield (UIS) is engaging female students from 7th – 9th grade to spark interest in computer sciences by hosting Girl Tech. This two-day event is will be held at the University of Illinois - Springfield on June 13th & 14th, 2013.

Funded by CSSIA, this two-day camp will feature sessions taught by women from the UIS Computer Science department and Information Technology staff who will provide a hands-on introduction to drop-and-drag programming with Story Telling Alice, fundamentals of robotics using Lego robots, and a round of battle-bots. A scavenger hunt for access points will teach the girls about computer networking and steganography as the young ladies will access the server holding the treasure file. Using digital flip cameras and iMovie, the girls will film their own movies, edit them, add sound track and premier them at the closing session. The campers will also create magazine covers that star themselves using Photoshop and Web-cams, and will get acquainted with the hardware in the "What's in the Box?" session.

The registration fee is $30 per girl, which covers lunch both days, snacks and a participation t-shirt. To be eligible to participate, the girl must be entering 7th, 8th or 9th grade in the fall of 2013.
  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • Information and Security Technologies
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