The National Educators Workshop (NEW) provides participants with the latest topics, strategies and methods for teaching material science and technologies. This Workshop unites
educators at all levels with a materials science focus, offering classroom-tested hands-on labs, demos and workshops to assist instructors directly in their teaching.

NEW offers:
• Presentation opportunities for focus on hands-on experiments, demonstrations and laboratories
• Poster and oral presentation opportunities
• Assistance to instructors in evaluation and course assessment methods
• Networking opportunities with participants from all educational levels
• Assistance with new materials technologies
• Road maps and methods for development of new materials courses
• Direct means for introducing materials concepts into existing courses
• Opportunity for peer-reviewed publication for current and future reference

NEW offers significant benefits and impact in terms of career awareness for students, professional development for faculty, and the sharing of successful practices in pedagogy. NEW provides exceptional opportunities to the national STEM community.

Registration Deadline:
July 31st, 2013
  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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National Educators Workshop- Materials in Enabling Technologies- Defining t.ics


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