The use of surveys for data collection is ubiquitous in evaluation, so writing good survey questions is an essential skill for any evaluator. In this webinar, EvaluATE will cover the essential DOs and DON’Ts of writing survey items. Crafting good questions is an art as well as a science and requires careful attention to context, including respondents, evaluation purposes, and intended use of results. In the webinar, facilitators dissect examples of good and bad question phrasing and response options, explore the implications of various question-and-answer formats for data analysis, and offer strategies to ensure that surveys will yield meaningful and useful data for participants' evaluations.

This webinar will take place from 1:00-2:30 pm EST.
  • Webinar
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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EvaluATE Webinar- Developing Questions for Effective Surveys.ics