The Regional Center for Nuclear Education and Training (RCNET), a National Science Foundation (NSF) Center is hosting its second annual meeting. This 2-day meeting reviews the progress of RCNET and its partner colleges. Focus will be placed on RCNET's efforts to support standardized college curriculum available for use across the nation. RCNET implements an Instructional System Design (ISD) ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement & Evaluate). RCNET, using the ADDIE process, will explain how curriculum developed, collected, or purchased by RCNET, for the nuclear community, aligns to the Systematic Approach to training (SAT). Ultimately, Curriculum Review Committees (CRC's) will verify that the curriculum aligns to industry's exacting standards.

Other topics covered during this two-day meeting include best practices in Leadership, Articulation, Secondary Education Outreach, Diversity Efforts, and Creating a Nuclear Culture at the College.
  • Summit
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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