The POGIL 3-day regional workshop provides instructors from both high schools and colleges/universities with all levels of POGIL experience significant opportunities to enhance their professional development by gaining new insights into teaching and learning. There will be a sequence of workshop sessions specifically designed for those who are new to POGIL (introductory track), and also sessions for those with previous POGIL experience (intermediate and advanced tracks), including new components for 2013. POGIL philosophy and methodology, facilitation techniques, opportunities to write and review activities, along with poster and plenary sessions will be offered.

While the workshop's focus is on the STEM disciplines, attendees are encouraged from all disciplines.

Workshop fee is $295 (registration, materials, lunches/dinners). On-campus housing for two nights is provided for an additional $100 and includes two accompanying breakfasts. Space is limited, and early applications are encouraged.

For an additional fee of $50, participants in the POGIL regional workshops can choose to receive CEUs (Continuing Education Units) through Millersville University. There is an attendance requirement if you choose to pursue CEUs.

You must apply via the tab to the left in order to be considered for attendance at this meeting. Applications will be reviewed as they are received, with decisions made on a rolling basis, typically within 2 weeks of application.

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  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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