(3 days)

Today, efficiency is the new formula for success essential to propel the next generation of automobiles.
As we strive to achieve efficiency, the resulting significant and exciting challenges are once again positioning the automobile industry as the industry of choice for the world's best and brightest engineering minds. Vast opportunities await those companies and individuals that dare to be creative and dream big.
Now more than ever, the entire industry must work together to collect and elevate this talent in order to realize responsible mobility and reward those within the engineering community that are good stewards of our natural resources.

Top 4 Reasons to Attend SAE 2013 World Congress:

Technical Knowledge: Learn from a large collection of expert engineers through a technical program that is relevant and stimulating-enhancing skills and creativity.

Peer-to-Peer Networking: Discuss challenges and ideas during designated networking opportunities as well as between sessions and leave with invaluable improvements and solutions.

Management Program: Listen to industry leaders to learn about automotive technology trends and gain insight into the big picture.

Innovators Only Exhibition: Discover new companies and innovative technologies from OEM, top-tier suppliers, and other industry-related companies worldwide.
  • Conference
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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