 Nanometer-scale science and technology encompass the research and application of new behaviors and properties exhibited by materials with dimensions ranging approximately from 1 to 100 nanometers.
 Nanotechnology is helping to improve, even revolutionize, many technology and industry sectors: electronics, energy, environmental science, food safety, information technology, national security, medicine, and transportation, among many others.
 A skilled S&T workforce is one essential component for advancing the research, development and commercialization of nanotechnology to help drive the successful implementation of Advanced Manufacturing.
 Two-and four-year colleges, in collaboration with research universities, can provide educational pathways for technicians to obtain training, certificates and degrees applicable in numerous industries utilizing nanotechnology in various products and
 In this Informational Workshop, learn more about:
- Nanotechnology Nanotechnology and applications and applications - Pathways Pathways for technician education in AZ for technician education in AZ
- Nanoscale S&T at ASU (incl. lab tours) - Professional development opportunities
  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • Micro and Nanotechnologies
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