The Center for STEM Education for Girls is hosting its annual STEM Think Tank and Conference. The conference is expecting 200-300 participants from the following groups:
-Teachers of girls at public, private, parochial, and charter -schools
-K-12 administrators
-University STEM Outreach program coordinators
-University researchers in gender research
-Leaders of successful university STEM programs
-Non-profits and Informal educators
-Members of industry

The STEM Consortium has chosen “Girl Meets STEM: Developing the Next Generation of Professionals” as the conference theme for 2013. Conference strands have been selected as follows:
-Best Practices in Curriculum & Teaching for Girls
-Getting Started in STEM – What do we mean? How is it different? How do you do it?
-STEM Leadership
-Changing the Conversation – What message do we send to girls about STEM?
-Community Outreach - How can schools use local museums, universities, science centers, and businesses to give girls hands-on experiences and access to STEM careers?
  • Conference
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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