Problem Based Learning (PBL) is an educational method that engages students in inquiry-based real world problem solving. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the New England Board of Higher Education’s (NEBHE) web-based instructional materials called PBL Challenges (case studies) to enhance students’ content knowledge, critical thinking skills, and ability to work in teams. The PBL Challenges are based on authentic problems developed in partnership with industry in sustainable technologies, and optics and photonics.

In this pre-conference workshop, participants will experience problem-based learning as a student would, by working in teams to solve one of the web-based STEM PBL Challenges and presenting a solution, after which a compare and contrast discussion will ensue.

During the last hour of the workshop, the PBL instructors will provide access to password protected teacher’s resources sections of the PBL Projects website and will lead an open discussion on assessment and implementation strategies. Workshop participants will receive a complete package of PBL instructional materials to take back to the classroom for immediate use.
  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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Pre-Conference Workshop- Problem Based Learning in STEM Education- Bringing.ics


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