Virtual Enterprise (VE) is a series of modular activities and events through which students in classrooms of any discipline develop realistic, commercially viable projects. It is an active-learning pedagogical framework that blurs the lines between business and the underlying discipline as students take a holistic view of their firm and learn essential organizational and soft skills. Since the exercises are student-led, and products/services are student-conceptualized and dynamic, learners are continually engaged in problem identification and problem solving.

This seminar will present the Virtual Enterprise pedagogy and demonstrate how it can be integrated into classrooms of any discipline. The ideal participants are college faculty members and workforce grant writers who are seeking a method of infusing business-readiness and entrepreneurship skills into courses or program proposals.

This event will conclude with a one-day Curriculum Customization Day. On this day, Virtual Enterprise experts will work with instructors, curriculum developers, and administrators seeking to adapt the pedagogy to their institution. The session will focus both on credit-bearing and workforce uses of the pedagogy. For credit courses, instructors may work with the existing syllabi from their disciplinary courses. For workforce interventions, participants can either bring sketches of existing grant programs (such as TAACCCT) for integration, or bring proposal solicitations with the intent of designing an intervention for future funding.
Registration Deadline:
May 20th, 2013
  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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Summer 2013 Virtual Enterprise Faculty Development Seminar and Curriculum C.ics


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