(3 days)

The Institute will assist teams of 3-5 faculty and administrators in developing transformative opportunities for Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creativity (URSC) in the arts and humanities. Participants will:

· Create customized plans for their own institutions to enhance URSC in the arts and humanities - in curricula, summer "research" programs, campus symposia, national conferences, and scholarly publications and showcases

· Learn about successful models of URSC developed by and for scholars in the arts and humanities - not simply adapted from the sciences

· Address challenges to student engagement in URSC, such as the need for language skills or other specialized training before beginning scholarly work

· Discover new opportunities for student scholarship in the Digital Humanities, blogs & wikis, designs and compositions, research abroad and in the community, and e-portfolios

· Gain insight into why students mentored in URSC succeed in the areas we value most in the arts and humanities: critical and creative thinking, written and oral communication, intellectual curiosity, and analysis

· Learn how URSC improves retention, especially for students most at-risk academically

· Find out about best practices for mentoring, administering, and funding URSC, particularly in disciplines without external grants available for undergraduate work
  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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