A short course and workshop coordinated by Eric Baer and Robert H. Blodgett, co-sponsored by NAGT and COSEE, and part of the SAGE 2YC project which is funded by the National Science Foundation. This course will be from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday, October 26, 2013 in Denver, CO. This workshop will bring together 2YC faculty and other educators to share successful approaches, strategies, and programs for working with all students, both in and outside the classroom. Participants will learn how recent research on student learning, group interaction, and instruction can help support student success. Because no two 2YCs are alike, the workshop will address a range of research-supported techniques and strategies for adaptation to local needs.

If you would like to attend the course, you must register and pay a fee through the The Geological Society of America; Fees vary depending on whether you attend the Annual Meeting and Exposition which immediately follows the course or will attend the workshop as a stand-alone event. Your registration fee includes a boxed lunch.

Registration Deadline:
September 23rd, 2013
  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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