The COSD 14th Annual National Conference will explore the gray areas associated with disability, employment diversity, and career employment challenges for college students seeking to enter the workforce. Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (COSD) is a unique and dynamic national professional association comprised of more than 600 colleges and universities and over 500 major national employers. COSD's mission is to improve the employment rate of college students and recent graduates with disabilities on a national basis. COSD works with higher education institutions and assists them in developing collaborative relationships between the Disability Services and Career Services offices on campuses. The result is students with disabilities are better prepared and more competitive in the career search. COSD closely works with employers to identify innovative methods of recruiting and hiring college graduates with disabilities, including creation of internship opportunities or encouraging participation of employers in specialized internship and recruiting programs that focus on college students with disabilities.

  • Conference
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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