During this hands-on workshop, participants will become familiar with various TIPERs. TIPERs are Tasks Inspired by Physics Education Research. These tasks are not like traditional physics textbook problems, but rather, require the students to think conceptually about a particular physical situation. They include ranking tasks, working backwards tasks, conflicting contentions tasks, linked multiple choice tasks and others. In this workshop, participants will work with different kinds of tasks, discuss how they might be effectively used in the physics classroom, and learn how to write some of their own tasks. There will be an emphasize on the new Sense Making TIPERs although nTIPERs (Newtonian TIPERs) and emTIPERs will also be discussed.

  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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Instructional Strategies for Introductory Physics (ISIP) Workshop.ics


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