When: December 3-4, 2013 December 2, 2013 -- The main conference begins at 10AM on Dec 3rd and ends at 1:30PM on Dec 4th. Lunch is included both days; breakfast on the 4th.

Who: K-12, adult and community college CTE and academic educators, administrators, deans, faculty, counselors, program coordinators, and student service coordinators; business partners; NGO directors/staff, ESL Practitioners, DSPS educators,Title I educators, etc.

Why: Improve Your Perkins Core Indicators, Better Serve Your Students, Improve Your CTE Programs, Network, Participate in Legislatively Mandated Professional Development, and Share Your Knowledge

Cost: $200 for the first registrant, $150 for the second and the third person is FREE. (Discount applies for members of the same team). Pre-conference is $25 per person.

  • Conference
ATE Area:
  • Information and Security Technologies
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CA Perkins Nontraditional & Special Populations (JSPAC) Conference 2013.ics


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