Collaborating with 12 community colleges and Bio-Link, the DNALC is offering the week-long Genomic Approaches in BioSciences Workshop. Participants will utilize cutting-edge science tools in hands-on laboratories and bioinformatics investigations, and deepen awareness of rewarding careers for their students. Participants will update their pedagogy while networking with biotech leaders and colleagues. A continuum of faculty from secondary education, 2-year colleges, and universities are invited to apply. The National Science Foundation, Division of Undergraduate Education’s Advanced Technological Education (NSF-ATE) program is funding all instruction, workshop materials, meals/refreshments, and a stipend of $200. Further support for travel or other related expenses is not available.

The Genomic Approaches in BioSciences Workshops will focus on four key technologies - PCR, DNA sequencing, RNA interference, and bioinformatics - that will prepare students for specialized life science elective courses, independent research projects, and biotechnology careers.

Genomic Approaches in BioSciences integrates theoretical, laboratory, and computer technology with practical advice on classroom management and career exploration. Time will be included for independent work, lesson planning, and preparation for classroom projects. This workshop will be taught by Madison College faculty who collaborated in the development of the course modules then advised and co-taught a Genomic Approaches in BioSciencesWorkshop in 2011.

  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • Bio and Chemical Technologies
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