Video-based educational resources are well suited to explaining the dynamic nature of geosciences, specifically processes that challenge students to think both temporally and spatially. In this workshop, through a series of four monthly sessions, participants will explore the best practices for designing and using videos, review the existing technology (hardware and software), share resources, develop new ones, and discuss the challenges and opportunities.

The workshop will include a series of web-based synchronous and asynchronous sessions, including presentations, sharing among participants, on-line chat sessions, and time for guided group work. A primary focus of the workshop will be the development of online resources for geoscience faculty and departments that assist with ongoing video design and use in geoscience education including examples drawn from participant experiences. These materials will be published on the website for use by other faculty. We will also work to develop a network of video developers and end-users.

This virtual workshop, held for two hours on the first Friday of the month, for four months during Spring 2014, is open to all faculty who teach undergraduate geoscience courses and who are currently incorporating homemade videos in their courses or who will begin to develop these resources as part of this program.

Cost is $200.

Registration Deadline:
January 17th, 2014
  • Webinar
  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • Information and Security Technologies
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Designing and Using Videos in Undergraduate Geoscience Education.ics