Filmmaker Doug Wolens will discuss the making of his documentary, The Singularity, which refers to a point in the future when we create computers with greater-than-human intelligence, bio-engineer our species and re-design matter through nanotechnology. How will these technologies change what it means to be human? In the film, Wolens speaks with leading futurists, computer scientists, artificial intelligence experts, and philosophers who turn over the question like a Rubik’s Cube. Ultimately, if we become more machine-like, and machines more like us, will we sacrifice our humanity to gain something greater? Or will we engineer our own demise? Join Wolens as he contemplates these questions and shares his experience making a documentary about a time somewhat beyond human imagination's current capability. To view a trailer of the film and read an interview with Doug Wolens, see that Atlantic Monthly article, "Pondering Our Cyborg Future in a Documentary About the Singularity."

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  • Micro and Nanotechnologies
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Transhumanism, Filmmaking and the Future.ics


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