Do you think you know all of the grant opportunities available for a community college? Think again!

In this webinar you will learn about all of the opportunities available in the Division of Undergraduate Education. These include the Advanced Technological Education Program and the new program, Improving Undergraduate STEM Education. You will also learn about opportunities in other divisions, programs that can help you place students in workforce internships as a result of supplemental funding to SBIR grants, and research opportunities in the Polar program. Finally, you will learn how to write these grants and how to learn abou these grants by serving on review committees for grants you might apply for.

The presenters for this webinar are Dr. Linnea Fletcher, co-PI for the ATE Center Grant Bio-Link, and Dr. V. Celeste Carter, Program Officer and Lead for both the ATE and Polar Educational Programs.

The webinar will be held at 12:45 pm Central time on April 22nd

  • Webinar
ATE Area:
  • Bio and Chemical Technologies
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