The Florida Sterling Council, the Manufacturers Association of Florida (MAF), the MAF Center for Advanced Manufacturing Excellence, and the TRADE Consortium, consisting of twelve Florida colleges, manufacturing associations and workforce boards, are teaming up to present the STEM Manufacturing Summit. We would like to invite you to attend and to compete in our first ever competition among high schools, technical schools and colleges regarding their manufacturing programs.

We invite you to send a representative to participate in this best practice sharing and discussion agenda about manufacturing education. We also invite you to compete in a first-ever competition among manufacturing education programs in the state. With 6,000 manufacturing jobs open in Florida today, it is apparent there is a critical need for educated and skilled employees. Many of you have in place manufacturing education/training and industry certification programs. We would like to provide an opportunity for all of you to share best practices so we can keep raising the bar until the needs are filled and tell us all about your successes.

  • Summit
ATE Area:
  • Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
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