WEPAN (Women in Engineering ProActive Network) is excited to convene the 2014 Change Leader Forum: Engineering a Culture that Drives Innovation. It is imperative that we transform engineering culture to recognize, value, engage and leverage difference to support advanced innovation and business performance. At WEPAN’s Forum, leading experts in culture change will open a crucial national dialogue about the impact of culture on engaging and retaining diverse communities of women in engineering—both in education and the workforce. WEPAN invites its members and other change leader communities to submit proposals on best practices and initiatives to advance culture in engineering. WEPAN is championing a purposeful rebuilding of the culture in engineering education and the engineering workplace. Research suggests that substantial culture change in engineering will require a broader spectrum of partners working at multiple levels. Consequently, the Forum will be organized around the Framework for Promoting Gender Equity in Organizations which describes the four ways (prepare women, create equal opportunity, value difference, re-envision work culture) that organizations can promote gender equity. As the four Frames progress, they become more focused on the complexities of organizational cultures and take into account a greater number of factors.

  • Conference
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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