The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Policy Fellowship Big Data Affinity Group and Potential Energy DC (PEDC) are pleased to announce the 2014 DC Energy and Data Summit.

Summit participants will have the opportunity to interact with a diverse community of technologists, policy makers, investors, entrepreneurs, and leaders in data science. We will discuss challenges the energy industry faces today and will explore how Big Data technologies and policies could address these challenges. Summit sessions will show how entrepreneurs can utilize data science to generate compelling solutions in the energy sector, highlighting the current energy landscape as well as “leading practices” and “lessons learned” at the nexus of government and public-private partnerships.

Our exciting morning will launch with a moderated keynote conversation with Dr. Joel Gurin, Director of OpenData500, the first comprehensive study of U.S. companies using government open data. The subsequent plenary panel will discuss government agency experiences with Big Data and what this means for the energy or data science entrepreneur. Breakout sessions will analyze the current energy landscape in a variety of sub-sectors, delving into detail on the current and future relevance of Big Data in these sub-sectors. A final ideation session will challenge the audience to brainstorm issues in the energy industry that offer an opportunity for data-driven solutions.

Registration is free for all participants and on a first-come first-serve basis, with a waitlist upon reaching venue capacity. If you’ve registered and will no longer be able to attend, please change your reservation to allow those on the waitlist to take your place. Questions? Contact

Follow the event on twitter with #DCEDS and keep in touch with the planning team @AAASbigdata and @PE_DC.

  • Summit
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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