The New England Board of Higher Education’s (NEBHE) Advanced Manufacturing Problem Based Learning (AM PBL) project will host its professional development Summer Institute at Boston University in Boston, MA, from July 27 - August 1, 2014. The Institute will serve the project’s New England-based science, technology, engineering and mathematics secondary, postsecondary, and teacher preparation faculty members. Participants will be introduced to the project’s authentic curricular case studies called “Challenges" developed with regional advanced manufacturing industry partners, will learn implementation and assessment strategies for problem based learning (PBL), and how to develop their own PBL Challenges based on industry problems. To learn more about the AM PBL project and NEBHE’s professional development programs please contact Principal Investigator Fenna Hanes at and 617-357-9620 x129.

  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
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