This event is put on by Techonomy. The talks focuses on the intersection between synthetic biology, participatory biology, and business.

Technology and exponential increases in processing power are driving a rapid acceleration in the progress of bio-discovery and life sciences. Health and medicine, fuel and energy, agriculture and manufacturing all are being impacted by the advances being made by bio-innovators and entrepreneurs who understand the vast untapped potential of biological driven progress.

Come join Steward Brand of the Long Now Foundation, Drew Endy of Stanford, Jim Flatt of Synthetic Bio, Andrew Hessel of Autodesk, Ellen Jorgensen of Genspace, Eri Gentry of the Institute for the Future, Floyd Romesberg of Scripps, Beth Seidenberg of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Steve Jurvetson of Draper Fisher Jurvetson and others for a half day conversation about technology’s impact on the rapidly accelerating, world changing progress in bio and life sciences.

  • Meeting
ATE Area:
  • Bio and Chemical Technologies
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