The Wine Industry Network is happy to sponsor VESTA's Wine Sensory Evaluation Workshop prior to and post their annual Expo.

Vesta sensory instructor Zoran Ljepovic, Winemaking QC at Constellation Brands, Oakville, CA, will be leading attendees through the principles of sensory evaluation used in commercial wine making. Learn standard benchmarks with sensory kits, faults and flaws, and sensory evaluation tips from a pro in the wine industry. See his impressive bio on in the faculty and staff slide show/read more.
266 students must attend both days, but others may choose to attend just one. This workshop is scheduled for Wednesday and then Friday. On Thursday anyone that attends the workshop will be given a complimentary ticket to attend the Wine Industry Network Expo (, which is held at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds as well.

  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • Agricultural and Environmental Technologies
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