Using unique methodology for a complex industry, the COE, the California Community Colleges Life Sciences/Biotechnology Initiative and Bio-Link, the NSF/ATE Center at City College of San Francisco formed a team to obtain authentic, actionable labor market information and conduct a gap analysis for Middle Skills Jobs. The study confirms that six Middle Skills occupations are significant to the Life Sciences/Biotechnology sector, with over 17,000 current jobs and 4,700 job openings projected over the next five years. The community colleges provide important training for these jobs, but might need to expand their capacity and align programs to meet employer demands.

Join us for the webinar on Life Sciences/Biotechnology Middle Skills Workforce in California to learn about:

  • Defining “middle skills” jobs and pathway jobs in Life Sciences/Biotechnology
  • Projected annual demand for middle skills jobs
  • Actual job titles used by industry
  • Skills and knowledge areas in demand
  • Community college program capacity and supply based on ‘skills builder’ philosophy
  • Defining the future: 3rd party credentials and core curriculum