Speaker: Bart Walhout

The EU has identified Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) as an integral part of its research and innovation programme aimed at excellent science, competitive industry, and better society. RRI seeks to address societal challenges, such as sustainability or security; anticipate risks or social and ethical concerns; and include stakeholders in charting research and innovation. But RRI won’t start from scratch. Practices like Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) schemes; safety and privacy regulations; public dialogue and stakeholder involvement initiatives; gender and sustainability policies; and business and engineering ethics all currently shape research and innovation governance. For RRI to make a difference it must be integrated with these practices. Walhout will discuss the European research project Res-AGorA’s attempt to develop an RRI governance framework. He’ll also examine and compare the work of organizations studying and practicing RI, including the Dutch Risk Analysis & Technology Assessment (RATA) program, the ASU & UCSB Nanotechnology and Society Centers, and the US and Netherlands governments. 

  • Student Event
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  • Micro and Nanotechnologies
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