€œEmpowering Colleges: Expanding the Geospatial Workforce  The GeoTECH Center:  Is developing a Community of Practice  Has a set of Model Courses  Can provide Mentoring for new or existing  programs  Offers professional development workshops at no cost  Is updating the Geospatial Technology Competency Model (GTCM)  Provides a national geospatial program locator map  Presents Educator Awards  Maintains a geospatial calendar of events

GeoEd '15 registration is now open as well as seeking presenters for the conference and workshops which will occur on June 8th, 9th,10th.  If you would like to present a paper or workshop please complete the form.  Paper/workshops form.  Stipends will be available for two-year college educators. For more information about the conference or the stipend please contact [email protected]

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ATE Area:
  • Information and Security Technologies
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