In an era of profound transformation, what does it mean to be a learner-centered college or university?

Today’s learners grew up with the Internet, with on-demand and instant results delivered to a hand-held device. They increasingly judge colleges by return-on-investment. Many students are nontraditional: 40% are age 25 or older; 20% work full-time; 60% study at four-year public or private HEIs, while most of the rest attend community colleges or for-profit colleges. They are more ethnically diverse than earlier generations of students. Some are privileged; some are poor.

NEBHE invites you to join thought leaders including State University of New York Chancellor Nancy Zimpher, Institute for Academic Leadership Director Lawrence G. Abele, Public Agenda Sr. Vice President of Higher Education and Workforce Development Alison Kadlec; CUNY University Dean for Student Success Initiatives Donna Linderman; Columbia University Community College Research Center Director Thomas Bailey; Complete College America Vice President of Strategy Julie Johnson; Inside Higher Ed co-founder Scott Jaschik and Big Picture Learning co-founder Dennis Littky for a compelling discussion of Learner-Centered Institutions: The Future of Higher Education.

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