Due to the latest NSF ATE Solicitation released in 2017, this webinar will act as an addendum and focus on specifics that have changed on this topic. A live Q&A will occur the last 30 to 45 minutes of the webinar.

We highly encourage that you watch the original webinar recording prior to attending this one. The original webinar was held on February 16, 2017 which covered the following information.

Competitive grants for the NSF ATE program must be built on at least one innovative idea and goals must be well-defined and clearly explained. However, framing an innovative idea and clearly explaining goals can be difficult. Further, proposal development requires a great deal of planning and a detailed timeline. This session will focus on planning for grant proposal development and will explore how to determine whether or not an idea is innovative, what is meant by developing and explaining goals clearly and what must be considered in planning development work and the timeline for such work.

  • Webinar
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
Registration URL:
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