Faculty should have the following to be considered as a participant:

  • Teach at a NATEF accredited post-secondary institution
  • Teach Automotive Technology at a NATEF/ASE Education Foundation post-secondary institution (community college, technical college or university).
  • Have at least two years of experience teaching automotive technology
  • Agree to integrate new concepts related to automated and connected technologies into their curricula as a result of the professional development activities
  • Participate in follow-up activities to improve student learning, including online discussions with other participants and sharing of materials via the website
  • Agree to report demographics and impact data regarding the effects of secondary school outreach activities and the use of new materials for project reports
  • Participate in assessments of the project conducted by the external evaluator
  • Must attend all day all five days to be eligible for stipend
  • Conference
ATE Area:
  • Engineering Technologies
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Automated and Connected Vehicles Summer Conference.ics


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