A key outcome of this workshop is focused on how to teach the engineering design process using underwater robotics as the platform. This workshop introduces participants to bi-directional motor speed control using motor controllers and joysticks. Additional topics include: vector frame design, buoyancy and ballast systems, video systems and hydraulic tools.  Participants in this workshop will build the SeaMATE TriggerFish ROV.

WHO SHOULD APPLY: Educators who have experience building simple switch box ROV controllers or faculty who have a background teaching robotics, electronics, physics, or a related discipline.  All faculty attending should have concrete plans to implement these activities in the following academic year.

COST:  A $825 materials fee will be charged. The MATE Center will provide lunch and snacks.  Transportation to the workshop is the responsibility of the participant.  The MATE Center has set aside a block of rooms at a nearby hotel for participants who are not in the Monterey area. Plan on spending $800 for the 7 nights for a shared room. A limited number of travel stipends will be available, up to $800 depending upon the distance travelled and if you teach at a Title 1 school. To ensure participant success, there is a $825 materials fee. For this fee, participants return to their school or organization with a TriggerFish ROV Kit and an underwater video system.

  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • Engineering Technologies
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Underwater Robotics and Engineering Design- Intermediate Level A.ics


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