The Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cybersecurity Community is hosting the fourth annual CAE Virtual Career Fair (VCF), sponsored by the National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCyTE) Center and the National Science Foundation (NSF). The virtual career fair is unique in that CAE invite students/alumni from 300+ institutions designated as CAEs in Research (CAE-R), Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CDE), and Cyber Operations (CAE-CO) to participate. Institutions receive the CAE in Cybersecurity designation after meeting the rigorous requirements of the program set forth by the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The standards set forth by the NSA/DHS curriculum guidelines also ensure students from CAE institutions receive a quality cybersecurity education that prepares them for a career in the cyber workforce.

  • Student Event
ATE Area:
  • Information and Security Technologies
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