(3 days)

Join over 1,600 women and allies in cybersecurity and enjoy presentations, birds of a feather, panels, and keynotes on today’s technology and challenges, the future of cybersecurity and challenges on the horizon, best institutional, operational, and academic practices, and career development. The WiCyS 2021 Conference is not only the flagship conference for Women in CyberSecurity, but regardless of gender, is the largest cybersecurity conference with equal representation of professionals and students. For every regular registrant, WiCyS issues a female cybersecurity student scholarship making WiCyS 2021 an excellent opportunity for companies to connect with the new generation of cybersecurity professionals and recruit them into jobs.

WiCyS is dedicated to recruiting, retaining, and advancing women in cybersecurity on a global scale. Their goal is to bring together a diverse group of students and professionals from academia, research, and industry, to share knowledge and experience, network, learn, and mentor, all while creating a community of engagement, encouragement, and support at a technical conference.

Registration Deadline:
June 28th, 2021
  • Conference
ATE Area:
  • Information and Security Technologies
Registration URL:
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