This workshop, from the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), is aimed towards high school and community college STEM educators. At this event, participants will:

  • Learn how solar photovoltaic power works.
  • Investigate career opportunities for students.
  • Explore CREATE’s collection of ready-made solar classroom lessons.
  • Develop a lesson plan to implement in the classroom.

Participants are expected to put in 5-6 hours of online, virtual instruction, and 5-6 hours working offline with CREATE lessons and solar lab equipment. Participants will receive:

  • Six complete solar PV lesson packages (and access to many more!)
  • $200 in solar PV equipment to implement CREATE’s lessons (classroom solar module, electrical meters, solar power meter).
  • Professional instruction using CREATE’s lessons and equipment in the classroom.
  • Lab Equipment Award application to request student sets of solar PV equipment to support teaching solar in the classroom (valued up to $1200).
  • Opportunity to win up to $1000 through Teaching Innovation Competitions by demonstrating effective use of workshop lesson plan into the classroom.
  • Discussion and collaboration with solar PV teaching specialists.
  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • Agricultural and Environmental Technologies
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