Join this conversation about â€˜Promoting Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: Building a Diverse Manufacturing Pipeline’  

The panel will share information on the following topics:

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Strategic planning
  • Organizational culture and communities within Manufacturing
  • Recruitment and Retention strategies
  • Network resources available to Manufacturers

About the speakers:

AJ Jorgenson, Vice President, Strategic Engagement and Inclusion from the Manufacturing Institute a division of NAM.   AJ will share DEI best practices and resources available to companies through the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and the Manufacturing Institute.

H. Ray Keith, CEO and Founder of E&A Consulting, DEI will be keynote speaker including discussion sessions facilitated by H. Ray Keith.  Dr. Stepheny Beauchamp and Sheena Martinez will join the conversation to share their insight.

This event is funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Center for Next Generation Manufacturing along with the following partners:

  • Connecticut College of Technology
  • Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Connecticut Community Colleges
  • Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology
  • National Association of Manufacturing/Manufacturing Institute
  • Advanced Manufacturing Employer Partnership
  • Manchester Community College
  • Webinar
ATE Area:
  • Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
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