This summit will draw together thought and opinion leaders to consider how to develop a workforce that will maintain US leadership in all phases of bioscience endeavor. Vision speakers will forecast the near future of biopharmaceuticals, biomedical devices, bioprocessing, bioengineering, synthetic biology, food production, and workforce education. State team discussions on the second day will then explore how academia, industry, and government can work together to develop the human resources needed to capitalize on these emerging technologies over the next five years. Each summit participant will be asked to consider, “What can I do to foster the development of the future bioscience workforce, and how can I better collaborate with other bioscience leaders?” Prior to the event, a “journey to the summit” will interview leaders and hiring authorities at more than 100 companies to gain a variety of perspectives on current bioscience workforce needs.  Attendance in the Vision Conference is by registration; participation in State Team discussions is by invitation only.


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