The Cybersecurity Skills Journal (CSJ) publishes Special Issues with Articles, Notes and Dialogues that impact cybersecurity practice, improve learning, and advance the state of the cybersecurity workforce’s capability maturity. Notes explore new areas, rather than seeking to confirm or disconfirm results of prior research, as is done in an Article. Conference presentations that explore or document challenges encountered by the cybersecurity workforce --from education and training to operational issues such as recruitment, retention and career advancement-- may be readily adapted to the Note format.

Join this special webinar designed to assist presenters identify how to rapidly adapt their existing presentation related to the cybersecurity workforce from a recent conference or event into a Note for publication in an upcoming Special Issue of the Journal. The focus is helping participants consider how to identify the human factors involved in the technology, tools or operational challenges from their presentation. Participants will also learn how to map their presentation into the structured abstract format used by the Journal, starting with the problem, research question(s), and the contribution that are part of the initial submission to the Journal.

  • Webinar
ATE Area:
  • Information and Security Technologies
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