Mass timber construction is growing rapidly in the US, experiencing exponential growth since 2014. Despite this, a lack of an educated and knowledgeable workforce remains as a top barrier to wider use of these materials and techniques in domestic markets. The Advancing Faculty Skills in Mass Timber Construction Workshop helps to resolve this barrier through a hands-on, small-group workshop that will guide faculty participants through current topics of interest regarding mass timber construction, provide them with experience on mass timber construction sites, and give them an opportunity to develop the framework for incorporating mass timber topics into their teaching. The three-day workshop features construction of a small mockup, takes participants to several mass timber buildings and construction sites, and allows them to consider how these topics can be incorporated into their teaching. The workshop is led by faculty from Michigan State University, as well as industry experts in timber design, manufacturing, and construction.  

The workshop will be held June 24-26, 2024, at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. Featured facilities during the session will include the MSU STEM Teaching and Learning Building, the first significant mass timber project completed in Michigan and the MSU Construction Management Research and Education Laboratory.  

There is no cost associated with the workshop. Travel expenses will be reimbursed, and meals will be provided or offset. The workshop will host a target of 25 participants; a wait list will be developed if applications exceed available slots.  The target audience is pre-tenure and recently tenured faculty in construction management, construction engineering, and construction science from 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities.

  • Workshop
ATE Area:
  • Engineering Technologies
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