The 16th annual Hawaii STEM Conference brings together students, teachers, and industry professionals across all six major Hawaiian islands for a 2-day immersive STEM experience. Hosted by STEMworks™, an  education to workforce program by Maui Economic Development Board, this event features keynote speakers, hands-on professional development sessions, networking, on-site competitions, a STEM playground, and the always much-anticipated STEMMY awards. 

This year’s conference theme, “Our Kuleana, Our Future: STEM Solutions for Hawaii,” addresses the state’s workforce challenges and emphasizes the importance of setting homegrown students up for success within Hawaii. Through hands-on sessions led by professionals in fields including health care, engineering, computer science, entrepreneurship, agriculture, and much more, attendees will leave inspired by their memorable experience.

  • Conference
ATE Area:
  • General Advanced Technological Education
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