The National GeoTech Center is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky at Jefferson Community and Technical College and is comprised of a number of two-year and four-year institutional partners from around the U.S. making it a truly national distributed center that is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through 2016. The mission of the national center is to develop curricula that assists two-year colleges in their pursuit of creating geospatial technology programs. The GeoTech Center also works with the K-12 population as well as with four-year university partners. The ultimate objective is to develop a seamless articulation pipeline through all levels of education.
The products (i.e., tools) and services of the GeoTech Center include the following: the Geospatial Technology Competency Model (GTCM), Model Courses and content, the National Map of Geospatial Programs in the U.S., a Community of Practice (a centralized national network for geospatial workers.), the GeoEd Annual Conference, an international list serve for geospatial technologies, a monthly newsletter, Mentoring Groups, Geospatial Workshops, a massive open online course (MOOC) and open ongoing course (OOC), a Student Skills Competition, Awards for Geospatial Educators and Partners, Monthly Webinars, a Map and Data Library, resources for starting a geospatial program, resources for geospatial careers, a Model Program and Content Tool, and a Syllabus Repository for Geospatial Coursework.
In this half-day workshop, each of these products and services will be visited and detailed so that users can have a better understanding and learn to fully leverage the products and services available for all.