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Cybersecurity Across the Curricula

  • March 28, 2019
  • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)
  • Online Webcast


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Title: Cybersecurity Across the Curricula

Description: Information security cuts across various academic departments and disciplines. In this webcast, we will showcase various cybersecurity modules that can be integrated into courses such as Accounting (Principles of Accounting 1), Administration of Justice (Criminal Law), Electronics (Engineering Computing), Nursing (Professionalism in Nursing 1), and Hospitality (Career and Customer Service Skills). Modules include a syllabus for each courses, with the week highlighted for cybersecurity, sample slide decks, and sample student assignments.

Speaker: Dr. Debasis Bhattacharya is currently a tenured faculty member at the University of Hawai’i Maui College, and program coordinator for the Applied Business and Information TechnoloDebasis headshot med size editedgy (ABIT) baccalaureate program. Dr. Bhattacharya has been working in the software industry for 30 years, having worked for large corporations such as Oracle and Microsoft for 15 years. A resident of Hawaii since 2002, he has been actively researching the information security needs of small businesses since 2008. As a former small business owner, he understands the needs and demands of information security, as well as keeping a small business up and running! Dr. Bhattacharya holds degrees from MIT, Columbia University, University of Phoenix and NW California University School of Law. Research interests include computer science education, cybersecurity, crypto currencies and deep learning.

Zoom invite will be sent once registration is completed. 

This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant Number DUE-1204533DUE-1601150, and DUE-2054753Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of NSF.

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