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VBBL: Comic-BEE - An education technology for developing interactive, graphic cybersecurity stories and web comics

  • November 13, 2019
  • 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM (EST)
  • Eastern Time


  • Registrant for Curriculum Standards Panel Virtual Brown Bag Lunch event

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Comic-BEE - An education technology for developing interactive, graphic cybersecurity stories and web comics

In this VBBL, Laurin Buchanan will discuss and demonstrate the use of Comic-BEE, a novel cybersecurity education technology designed to support the rapid creation of interactive, graphic stories -web comics- that align with cybersecurity curricular goals. By making choices on behalf of a character in the comic, readers experience the outcome of those choices –positive or negative– in a safe environment. These web comics can be used for education or evaluation (assessment) of diverse cybersecurity knowledge, skills and abilities. Join us to explore how graphic storytelling can enable cybersecurity education, rather than training, and learn how both educators and employers can engage and assess learners at any stage with critical cyber concepts.

Comic-BEE was awarded the Best Student Learning Aid in the 2018 Innovations in Cybersecurity Eeducation from National Cyberwatch Center.



Laurin Buchanan

Principal Investigator

Secure Decisions

Presentation: 20-25 Minutes

Q&A: 15-20 Minutes

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This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant Number DUE-1204533DUE-1601150, and DUE-2054753Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of NSF.

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