With the completion of the first full season of the National Cyber League, the leaders of the four Advanced Technological Education cybersecurity centers who created the series of virtual competitions with George Washington University report they have attained proof of their concept.
The concept: students will pay a small fee to participate as individuals and teams in games that prepare them for industry certification exams. The next big step for the league will be getting employers to pay attention to the "scouting reports" that list how participants performed overall and on eight cybersecurity workplace competencies.
"It's exactly what industry wants—to be able to find students who have somehow been able to validate competencies around skills that industry has said they're looking for," said Casey W. O'Brien, director of the National CyberWatch Center (CyberWatch) at Prince George's Community College in Maryland. The founders of the National Cyber League hope that employers will eventually recruit new technicians from the scouting reports.