Integrated Geospatial Education & Technology Training: Remote Sensing (iGETT: Remote Sensing) helps two-year colleges meet the growing workforce need for geospatial skills. The recently completed project provided extensive professional development for 36 GIS instructors that enabled them to integrate remote sensing and GIS in existing courses and develop new remote sensing courses. As part of their iGETT: Remote Sensing experience, they also developed instructional materials consisting of student exercises and YouTube videos which are available on the project website, together with student exercises developed by participants in an earlier project (iGETT) and materials developed by project staff. The exercises support contextual learning through case studies that teach students to download and analyze remote sensing data and integrate it with GIS. The YouTube videos offer concise explanations of basic concepts in remote sensing and can be used in class or independently for student review.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
0703185, 1205069
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
June 1st, 2007
ATE Expiration Date
December 31st, 2017
ATE Principal Investigator
Osa Brand
Primary Institution
National Council For Geographic Education
Record Type
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