SAgE Collaborative: Sustainable Agriculture Education for the Puget Sound Bioregion

This project addresses the environmental, socioeconomic, political and cultural issues related to sustainable food systems within and beyond the Puget Sound bioregion through student and community education and research, technological innovation and college-stakeholder partnerships. The project has two main objectives: 1) to develop innovative workforce education and training that responds to industry needs as informed by a variety of stakeholders and project partners; and 2) to offer technological degree and certificate options that employ rigorous interdisciplinary and experiential curricula. In cooperation with four-year colleges and universities, Seattle Central Community College offers students two Associate of Arts-Direct Transfer Agreement degrees with emphases in Urban Food Systems and Sustainable Agriculture Technology. Alternatively, the technological nature of these degrees provides students with a sound terminal AA degree if they choose to enter the workforce without further academic preparation. In addition, the SAGE Project offers two Certificate options, one in Organic Agriculture and the other in Sustainable Small-Acreage Farming & Ranching. While obtaining a degree or certificate, students acquire a diverse skill set through integrated science and mathematics education, research and technology training, information literacy, critical thinking and group problem-solving, community service-learning, cross-cultural exchange and immersion, professional internships, and entrepreneurial and leadership training. An expansion of the project in 2012 aimed to develop a regional and comprehensive education program. Together with Skagit Valley College, SCCC, and Washington State University, Edmonds Community College is developing educational initiatives to increase the number and quality of sustainable urban and small farm agriculture technician professionals. On the site, visitors can read about the degrees and certificates, upcoming courses, and contact project staff.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
0903329, 1205107
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
May 15th, 2009
ATE Expiration Date
July 31st, 2016
ATE Principal Investigator
Jason Niebler
Primary Institution
Edmonds Community College
Record Type
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